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A powerful event calendar Tool for Laravel's Nova 4

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Event filters

Event filters allow the end user to view a pre-defined subset of events in a calendar. When you add event filters to your calendar data provider, a filter icon is shown above the calendar view on the right, allowing the user to pick one, or show all events.

Event filters do not combine; the user either applies 1 event filter, or none.

Table of Contents

Adding event filters to the calendar

Add the following method to the calendar data provider of the calendar that you want to add filters to:

public function filters() : array
    return [

Then, add one or more instances of the following filters to the array in the order that you want them to be shown to the end user.

Available filter types

The first argument to a filter constructor is always the filter label, the rest of the arguments define how the filter works.


Show only calendar events for Nova resources of one or more specific classes.

use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\NovaResourceFilter;

use App\Nova\User as NovaUser;
use App\Nova\Flight as NovaFlight;

public function filters() : array
    return [
        // Show only resources of one specific class
        new NovaResourceFilter(__('Only users'), NovaUser::class),

        // To show only resources that have one of multiple classes
        new NovaResourceFilter(__('Only users and flights'), [NovaUser::class, NovaFlight::class]),

Optionally, you can supply a callback function as a third argument to make the filter stricter.

// Show only users that have a gmail address
new NovaResourceFilter(__('Only gmail users'), NovaUser::class, function($event) { return str_ends_with($event->model()->email, ''); })),

The callback method will receive the calendar event $event; use the resource() method to get the related Nova resource or the model() method for the underlying Eloquent model. In the case of a NovaResourceFilter, the event is guaranteed to contain both a Nova resource and an Eloquent model before the callback method gets called, so you don’t need to do any checks.


Exclude calendar events for Nova resources of one or more specific classes.

use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\ExcludeNovaResourceFilter;

use App\Nova\User as NovaUser;
use App\Nova\Flight as NovaFlight;

public function filters() : array
    return [
        // Hide resources of one specific class
        new ExcludeNovaResourceFilter(__('Hide users'), NovaUser::class),

        // Hide resources that have one of multiple classes
        new ExcludeNovaResourceFilter(__('Hide users and flights'), [NovaUser::class, NovaFlight::class]),

Just like with a normal NovaResourceFilter, you can supply a callback function to the ExcludeNovaResourceFilter to make the filter stricter.

// Hide only users that have a gmail address
new ExcludeNovaResourceFilter(__('Hide gmail users'), NovaUser::class, function($event) { return str_ends_with($event->model()->email, ''); })),

As with a NovaResourceFilter, the callback method receives the calendar event $event, so you can use the resource() method to get the related Nova resource or the model() method for the underlying Eloquent model, and the event is guaranteed to contain both a Nova resource and an Eloquent model before the callback method gets called, so you don’t need to do any checks.


Show only events that have an Eloquent model and pass a custom callback method.

You can get the Eloquent model from the Event using model().

use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\EloquentCallbackFilter;

public function filters() : array
    return [
        // Only show events that have an underlying Eloquent model that has an even id
        new EloquentCallbackFilter(__('Eloquent models with an even id'), function($event) { return $event->model()->id % 2 == 0; }),

The callback function only gets called on the event if it has an Eloquent model, so $event->model() is guaranteed to return a valid model in callback methods passed to this type of filter.


Define your own custom filtering logic using just a callback method.

use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\CallbackFilter;

public function filters() : array
    return [
        // Only show events that have an underlying Eloquent model that has an even id
        new CallbackFilter(__('Eloquent models with an even id'), function($event) { return $event->model() && $event->model()->id % 2 == 0; }),

Since this filter is applied to any event on your calendar, the event is not strictly guaranteed to contain a Nova resource and an Eloquent model before the callback method gets called, so you need to do checks before using the model() and resource() methods. If you want the filter to show only calendar events that have underlying Eloquent models anyway, use an EloquentCallbackFilter instead.

In practice, using this filter type is only required if your nonNovaEvents method returns calendar events without Eloquent models.

Custom event filters

Writing complex filtering logic into a callback method gets ugly quickly, so it’s best to define custom filtering logic in your own filter classes. That has the added advantage of being able to reuse the filter across different calendar data providers and it’s better for testing.

Implement a subclass of Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\AbstractEventFilter. The only method that you have to implement is showEvent(Event $event): bool. Implement it however you see fit and you can add an instance of the custom filter class to the filters() method in your CalendarDataProvider.

The inline CallbackFilter example above that only shows Eloquent models with an even id would be implemented as a custom filter class as follows:

use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\EventFilter\AbstractEventFilter;
use Wdelfuego\NovaCalendar\Event;

class ModelHasEvenIdFilter extends AbstractEventFilter
    public function showEvent(Event $event): bool
        return $event->model() && $event->model()->id % 2 == 0;

Then in your CalendarDataProvider’s filters() method:

public function filters() : array
    return [
        // Only show events that have an underlying Eloquent model that has an even id
        new ModelHasEvenIdFilter(__('Eloquent models with an even id')),

Customization options

Setting a default event filter

When a user opens the calendar view for the first time, the default behavior is to show all events. If you want the calendar to open with an active filter by default, add a call to useAsDefaultFilter() to one of the filters returned by filters() in your calendar data provider:

// Show only resources of one specific class
(new NovaResourceFilter(__('Only users'), NovaUser::class))->useAsDefaultFilter(),

The useAsDefaultFilter method has an optional boolean argument that when it’s false will not set the filter as the default, so you can easily make the behavior dynamic if you want.

Note that as of version 2.0 of this package, the calendar stores its state in localStorage and resumes it when you open it again. That means the default filter will not be applied if you’ve visited the calendar before and changed the filter settings.

Customizing the ‘Show all’ label

When your calendar offers event filters and the end user has an active filter, the filter menu shows an option to reset the filter and show all events. The default label used for that option is ‘Show all’ (localized).

To show a custom label here, implement the resetFiltersLabel() method in your calendar data provider:

public function resetFiltersLabel() : string
    return __('My custom show all label');

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